Saturday, March 29, 2008

Today marks the one year mark of when the Blog was created. I have been thinking for a couple of days of something to write on this day. God gave me this scripture:

And so we keep on praying for you, that our God will make you worthy of the life to which he called you. And we pray that God, by his power, will fulfill all your good intentions and faithful deeds. Then everyone will give honor to the name of our Lord Jesus because of you, and you will be honored along with him. This is all made possible because of the undeserved favor of our God and Lord, Jesus Christ. 2 Thessalonians 1:11 & 12

It is a tough life that Karin's family is walking out. To each individual it is different but there is a gaping hole in their hearts. As time goes on the hole does get less but the hole will never go away. God never dishes out more than we can handle. Karin honored God with her life. Karin honored God with her death. What else is there in life that to honor your creator? N O T H I N G. Keep praying for Karin's family, especially Salina and Noah. Be faithful in praying for them. You are not an innocent by-stander! No, they don't need hands on help everyday anymore, but they will always need your prayers. Life is good! I know Karin would agree.

Jeff and the kids had a great time in New Orleans. I asked (threatened) :) him into giving me some pictures. It was hard coming home to reality. Jeff said it was like "starting all over again". They walked in the door at 2:02 AM (PST) and instead of hitting the bed for some Zzzz's he had to start the washing machine! He knew if he didn't the kids would have no clothes. Then it dawned on him they had no groceries in the fridge. You know Karin, she would have been up at 4 AM buying groceries at Safeway. Then the next morning he had a mountain of work to get too (a good thing) and you can see how this is going. It is all single Dad stuff and that will always be a challenge.

The kids go back to school on Monday.

The pictures: The first one is of the kids and Uncle Bunny (one of Enola's 58 siblings). He celebrated his 80th birthday and thus the reason for the trip. One of the kids in front of the Creole Queen boat; And the last one is of Jeff and his cousin Desire who was the favorite cousin of Karin and one of the bridesmaids in their wedding.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Last week, (I think) I mentioned a card that Jeff & the kids sent Jackson for his 3rd birthday. I cried when I went to the mailbox and saw an envelope stamped "Jeff & Karin Carter" on the return address section. Then I opened the card and cried and laughed all at the same time. What totally sweet kids Salina and Noah are.
Jeff and the kids arrived safely in Louisiana and are having a good time visiting family. I am sure the kids are glad to add a few 'extra" days onto their Spring Break.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Happy PINK day! Can't believe it has been 8 months. :(

Jeff and his mom are taking the kids to Louisiana for Spring Break. Jeff has a lot of family there and there is to be a reunion for his side of the family. Jeff was a little sad to have been packing. Karin did the packing for everyone. I think the distraction will be good for all of them. The kids will have a blast. Pray for a safe trip for them. When I told him to lay out their pink stuff for today he said, "C'mon Beth, who do you think you are talking to?" I thought because the stress of packing for everyone and leaving for the airport at 3AM!! might have made him forget. Silly me!

More later.

Friday, March 14, 2008


I am not sure if I have put this picture on the Blog yet. It is one of my favorites. In case you don't know, Noah believes with all his heart that these 3 boys are brothers. They are, in all the ways that matter. This picture was taken when the boys were in Kindergarten and it was "Twin Day". Speaking of brothers, I will have to scan a card that Salina, Noah and Jeff sent for Jackson's birthday. That will come, for now, just enjoy this piece of Karin.

I was waiting in the doctor's off ice the other day and I saw an article in an magazine called AllYou. I have never heard of it?? But there was an article titled "Cut your cancer risk". It listed several things you could do to reduce your chances of getting this awful disease. One of the ways listed was "Put on your sunscreen before you drive". It goes on to explain, "The more time you spend behind the wheel, the higher your chance of developing skin cancer on the left side of your head, neck, arms or hands - all areas that are exposed to the sun while you drive . . . " Their solution is the "slather on sunscreen and put on protective clothing before driving".

Monday, March 3, 2008

Here is a picture that Jeff just sent me. I have never seen this one!!! That means I did not even take it!! Made my day. Brought a smile to my face. Noah is such the cutie pie too. Of course she is wearing her signature color.