Regardless of where Karin is, Jeff is still a great father to Salina and Noah. One time when Morgan and Cole were over at the Carters, Jeff taught them how to slide down the stairs in a sleeping bag! If that isn't a fun Dad I don't know what is! Kinda freaked me out but my kids thought it was great. :)
Jeff is in Redding at a golf tournament that he goes to every year. I am glad he went. He needs time to do nothing. Salina and Noah are split up at the grandparent's houses.
Thursday is PINK day!
The kids are out of school. They have lots of fun things planned for the summer. Noah will be going to tutoring so he does not get "summer brain". Salina is going to Hume Lake, Noah to VBS. They are going on the houseboat, which Karin LOVED! But the best part for me is Noah is coming here. Yippee! And, no, since I know you are wondering, he is not flying alone anywhere. The kids brought home good report cards, especially considering all that they have gone through in the past year.
I know I have posted this verse before but I heard it from the Message version the other day and it spoke to me.
Jeremiah 29:11 (The Message)
I'll show up and take care of you as I promised and bring you back home. I know what I'm doing. I have it all planned out -plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for.
God always meets us where we are at. I love how is says, "I will show up." We don't have to drive somewhere to see him, say some specific prayer, be with a certain person. He just shows up. We just have to have a willing heart. I know that God did not show up in the way I thought He would. I wanted to be sitting with Karin on her 80th birthday comparing tattoos and sipping Lemon Drops in the Bahamas. But I still have to trust Him that He knows what is best for me and Salina, Noah and Jeff. Continue to just show up, God, we continue to need YOU!
I can't remember if I Blogged this or not. Of the now 35 people that emailed me to tell me that they made dermatology appts, 7 of them had something removed. That is 20%!!! That is a lot. That is so high it scares me. I know I posted about taking Cole in for a suspicious mole on his toe. I know he has had this mole since he was at least 2. It may have been there before but I am not sure. Anyway, it has to be removed. Because of its location on his toe we have to see a Plastic Surgeon. Cole is looking forward to it. Crazy boy. Once they removed it they will send it in for testing. All this will be July 1st. Please just pray that nothing would come of this.
I still have bracelets. If you contacted me, I did not receive your email. Kinda surprised at you guys that no one has emailed me about bracelets. Also, I am going to have to take my email off the previous post as I am getting a ton of emails wanting to know if I want to meet singles, buy Viagra, or go to psychology school. As soon as I fix that I will post about it and then you can resend your emails about the bracelets.