Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Karin is not feeling so hot today. Today starts her 2 weeks off of the chemo meds. She has an upset stomach and has not eaten much of anything in the last two days. Could be coming off the chemo that is making her sick. She is doing the PET scan as I write.


CU-california said...

Hang in there, Karin. You'll start to feel better soon. Just do what your body tells you which is probably REST.

DeAnne Gliedt said...

I just heard the horrible news.A friend just asked me if I knew you. I went to your blog and learned your trials your up against. I will keep you in my pryaers. Then I saw your beautiful smile in your family portrait we took and remember your love and your families love. You are such a beautiful woman! I admire your stregnth! I am so sorry that I can not make the run this weekend as I have a wedding to shoot. but you are in my thoughts and know many will be there to show their support and love for you.. as you have ALWAYS shown for others!!! If there is anything I can do for you and your family PLEASE let me know.Please!.
Stay strong and God Bless you, Jeff and the kids!
Love your friend/your photographer,

Marshall said...

A note from Mom...sending this from Craigs Computer in NYC

This morning May 17th. we are praying in New York City. Had a Venti Extra Hot this morning, thinking of you of course. God you are the one who heals physically, spirtually and emotionally.
Man treats - GOD heals and performs miracles. We are counting on God's strength today. Psalm 68:35