Tuesday, September 4, 2007

My husband just informed me that we needed a new post. ;) Well, then. The kids and Jeff made it through the first week of school. Over the weekend Johanna and her husband came so that was good for moral support. I spoke with Jeff this morning and he is hanging in there. It is hard for him to be home without the kids. Coming home to an empty house is awful for him. Please continue to lift him and the kids up in prayer.

My kids are right now watching a DVD that has Karin on it (from the night Jackson was born). I can barely be in the same room. As I stare at it it is hard to believe she is not going to call me later and tell me the days happenings.

When I was at Jeff's last week he asked me to look at something in their walk in closet. When we got in there I told him, "When Karin and I used to talk on the phone, she would sometimes hide in the closet." I will let your mind wander about what we talked about ;) but Jeff said, "I know." We thought we were being sly about it, but apparently not. The other day when I called to check on Jeff we started talking about the kids. Next thing I know Jeff says, "Guess where I am?" "The closet." Brought a smile to my face.

Here is a picture of Jeff and Noah from the first day of school. The second is a picture of Salina, Noah and my daughter, Morgan, in the hot tub. I don't have a good one of Salina on the first day of school. ;(

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Jeff & kids-
I love to see you all smiling! I know that the smiles are tough - I myself look at these pictures with a smile but also my eyes welling up. So glad to hear that you have the first week of school under your belt! Prayers are with you daily! I think of Karin and you all many times a day but especially getting into my car and seeing the sticker - the Venti Miracle Extra Hot has now moved on to you all and your healing - beacuse I know you will - Karin will always be with you everyday and everywhere you go but the sharp pains I hope will get less and less thru time - you all together and making it thru each day together is a Venti Miracle!!!!Lots of love and prayer,
Nicole Olsen