Sunday, October 21, 2007

Happy Birthday BFF! All over the world today people have been celebrating you! Your Mom baked your fav cake, your sweet husband took the kids to the cemetery, I wore my pink shirt and my Life is Good necklace. :) Katie, Jonathan and Mary ran the NIKE marathon in your honor. Jamie ran it too! Just to name a few. We miss you dearly.

Thank you Lord that we were able to spend part of our lives with Karin. It was not near long enough, but I trust You. So glad that You have given us eternal life and that we get to see her again. Not everyone gets that and I can't imagine what it would be like to not have that assurance.


Unknown said...

Happy B-day Karin - I am sure God thru a bash for you!!!

Jeff, Kids, Beth and Karin's whole family you have been in our daily prayers! We love you all.

Dave & Nicole Olsen

Suitepea said...

It was my honor to finish the half marathon in Karin's honor and memory! 13.1 miles!Everystep up the SF hills was hard but when people called out Karin's name(on my Team Karin shirt)it made me realize why I was doing this,to help find a cure for cancer! Hearing her name and sharing her story with others was amazing,she is still touching lives. It was quite emotional. This was a pricless gift. I know that Karin was with me thru most of the race. Do you really have to ask why not the whole race? Come on you know how competitive she is... I know she beat me to the finish line! :)