Tuesday, July 15, 2008

She very well could have saved his life. . .

We just go the pathology report back on Cole's mole that was removed by a plastic surgeon last Friday. The mole is NOTHING. Thank the Lord. As I was thinking about the results, it occurred to me that Karin is still giving. Had we not gone through what we did with Karin in the 3 months prior to her passing, that mole that has been there since he was small, would not have even caught my eye. The doctor has told me how moles changes over time, especially as a child enters puberty and that is why they were so aggressive to remove it. Not to mention it was shaped strange and not symmetrical. God deserves all the glory on this one, but I will say he used Karin to possibly save Cole's life. Like I said before, she would have given me the shirt off her back.

Just 12 days until Noah comes!!! Morgan has spent the better part of 2 days working on a sign to welcome Noah. She's bored, its Summer vacation. You remember the drill. We can't wait Noah!!

1 comment:

S said...

I wanted to let you know that thanks to this blog I took my kids in to the dermatologist. My 13 year old son, Jake, had two moles removed from his back.

His dad and I are divorced and his dad had melanoma but we never really talked about it. Apparently that puts my kids at higher risk. Plus he lives by a lake and constantly forgets sunscreen when they visit. Haven't received the results from the biopsy yet but knowing they are gone makes me feel so much better.