Tuesday, June 3, 2008

No, I have not fallen off the face of the Earth . . . we just returned from a long vacation in Florida. We went to Disney World. There are so many reminders of Karin there. That girl loved Disney Land. In the hall in their loft is a collection of portraits taken at Disneyland. Same scene on every picture but different years. The kids range from toddler with chunky baby fat (Noah ;) ) and Salina's long ringlets to recent. When they went there (in a fog) just days after Karin went to Heaven Jeff had the same picture taken. Ouch. These are my thoughts, and as my daughter would say, "That was random, Mom." But these are my thoughts.

Jeff and the kids are hanging in there. School is winding down. What a long and hard year that we will be glad is over. Summer brings a different "problem" with what to do with the kids all day not to mention, Jeff has a job. Pray that that all works out.

We are up to 30 who have gone to the dermatologist. I know Jeff has one story that he wants to tell me about a friend that had something removed and another friend of mine had something "precancerous" removed. And remember me blogging about my husband having something removed? That is 3 that I know of. That is 10% of the 30 people that went. That is a pretty high percentage of people walking around with something that could be life threatening. If nothing else we are smarter than we were before. Are my kids the only ones that practically fully clothed in UPF clothing when they go to the beach? What we do for our kids right now determines if they will have skin cancer when they are older.

More later.

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