Monday, March 3, 2008

Here is a picture that Jeff just sent me. I have never seen this one!!! That means I did not even take it!! Made my day. Brought a smile to my face. Noah is such the cutie pie too. Of course she is wearing her signature color.

1 comment:

Mary Dean said...

The 2008 Nike Women's Marathon and Half Marathon are currently available for registration until March 18th. This year, entry is through a lottery system, so it may be challenging to get in. It's on Sunday, October 19, 2008, in San Francisco. A link to register is below. I encourage you to consider this event. While it's marketed for women, it's a great event for anyone. Especially if you like chocolate, San Francisco, and Tiffany & Co!

The Nike Women's Marathon was one of Karin's most favored events! Last year's run was held on what would have been Karin's 40th birthday. Some of her family and friends did this last year, including Jamie, Renee, Alisa, myself, and two of Karin's fabulous siblings ~ Jonathan and Katie.

Karin Carter embodied the spirit of the Nike Women's Marathon. She absolutely LOVED this event! I encourage you to consider registering for it. If you register and for any reason can't do it, we can find someone to run it for you that might not be able to get in through the lottery system. Whether you are a beginner or experienced runner (or walker), as Nike would say, JUST DO IT! It's a very cool way to honor Karin and I'm pretty sure she would love you to come out and Run Like A Girl!!