Monday, April 14, 2008

Yes, you have the right Blog. I know just enough about this blogging business to get myself in trouble. Today I added the Playlist to the left with some of Karin's favorite songs or songs that remind me of her. One of Jeff's favs is on there too. I am going to add some Oldies, well, Oldies to our age group. More to follow on that. So, those of you that check here on the sly will now have to turn the volume down. Hopefully you will be encouraged by her songs.

So, today I learned the story behind the Beignets. Jeff says that pic was taken at Cafe Du Monde. Apparently, it is world famous. He says he has seen celebrities there lots of times. So you order you plate of Beignets that have a serious amount of powered sugar on them. Bargain of the day at $1.85 for three. When you go with a local they tell you to smell them and as you smell them they blow the sugar in your face. That explains the mess all over the kids.

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