Monday, August 13, 2007

I have been trying to figure out for several weeks now what to do with this Blog. Do I end it, do I keep it going? There is not much new happening at the Carters house to report on. I was talking with Jeff last night on the phone. He was sharing about the rough place he is in. (By the way, I think Jeff might be part girl because he is so good at talking on the phone :) ) Anyway, the Blog came up. He told me to post the truth. He said, "You have posted to truth all along. Don't stop now." Well, there is my answer to prayer. Jeff himself told me to keep it going. So the truth is, it is awful. For me, what is more awful than missing Karin is the hurt that Jeff, the kids and the extended family are working through. Knowing that there is NOTHING I can say that will take the hurt away. It is awful. Now that I have said that, I know it is normal. In fact, there would be something wrong with us if we did not feel the deep hurt we are feeling. The hurt is a testimony to how much we love and adore Karin. That will not go away and it can't be taken from us. The only thing we can do is pray. God will never lead us where His grace can't keep us. Pray, pray, pray.

Tomorrow would have been Jeff & Karin's 14th wedding anniversary. I have been trying to think of what I can do that might make tomorrow more bearable. In light of that, I am declaring tomorrow PINK day! So, go get the shirt you wore to the Celebration Service, get it all ironed and set it out for tomorrow. Alrighty?

Say a special prayer for the family tomorrow. Pray that they would feel comforted.

Certainly Karin has already worn out a pair of running shoes running around Heaven. Do you think they have Starbucks in Heaven?


Unknown said...

Beth (& Jeff too)- thank you for your sharing your feelings from your hearts - I still check this blog daily and sometimes a few times a day - not sure why other then I am so sad for the loss but mostly becauseI care so much about all of you and your healing process and Karin is just missed so much by all! Beth if you contiune to post - I will continue to read!
Jeff and kids, you are in our family's daily prayers - Jeff, I cannot imagine how hard tomorrow will be but I pray you will have Gods peace, joy and laughter remembering your 14 years with Karin! May God continue to bless you in big and small ways. We love you all!!

Dave & Nicole Olsen (& the Kids)

Jessica Davidson said...

Thank you beth for continuing to post. As long as you post I'll be reading it. Thank you for contiuing to keep as all abreast on the continuing journey of the carter family I like to know what they need prayer for(along with the continued prayer for healing and comfort). Being able to continue reading the blog has given me comfort in remembering Karin.

Thanks beth,
May God bless you and the carter family,

Jessica & Riley

Amy Benavidez said...

The weekend of the walk, I met a woman named Jana Alayra who sang a song she referred to as "The Coffee Song" It just seems to fit Karin and all of her friends. On the same CD (No place like home) is a song she wrote after losing her 4 year old daughter. Its been on my heart for awhile to share some lyrics with you. I hope you find some comfort in them. Here are a few lines...

Many say your days with us were too few; But they were numbered by the Lord for you. A message of your life remains through time; Jesus gave you everlasting life.
Every time I hear you in my mind
though my heart weaps, my soul takes flight to the place where you are; Somewhere far beyond the farthest star...Now every minute that I breathe, You live what I believe. One day I will see Jesus come for me, No one knows the hour He will come. I will fall at His feet for all He's done for me; then straight into your arms I'll run...

Knowing Karin's story has greatly affected my life. Thank you for sharing. My prayers are with you each day. God bless you all!