Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Ignorance is bliss!
I was just talking to a friend's teenage daughter. Wonderful girl, whom we love dearly. She looked very pink (bordering on sunburned) so I asked if she wore sunscreen. She said she did not because if she wears sunscreen she does not tan. I asked her which would she rather have a tan or skin cancer? (I am bold, I know). She is a teenager so she said the tan. I remember being the same way when I was in high school. We just did not know what we know now. I know I have said this before but it is one of those things that needs repeating. WEAR SUNSCREEN! ALL DAY, EVERYDAY. Anyone that knows Karin & Jeff knows that their kids have a "glow" about them all the time from the sunscreen they put on everyday. My kids even complain about being "white". Who cares??? Get a good sunscreen. Trader Joes has a very good one that has zinc in it. Even better, there is a product that Karin's Aunt Teresa turned me onto. It is called Anthelois. You can get it from I have done research and the one from Canada drugs is one of the best that money can buy. It will set you back a bit, but is cheaper than skin cancer. It is about $20 for 3 ounces.
I will get off my soapbox now.


Herickson said...

This was one (of many) lesson that I try to remind my daughter of. I have told her that Karin's fight for her life will never be in vain if she changes the mind (and therefore could save the life of) of one child who will now wear sunscreen and then will lather their kids up and their kids and so on. We will never know how many people Karin saved in sharing her courageous fight because she will effect the lives of so many - us included! God Bless

CU-california said...

I'm constantly telling my kids to put on the sunscreen. Very often I get on my soapbox and remind them of Karin. They, like myself, never met her, but her fight is very much a part of our lives in that we talk often about her and what can happen if we don't wear sunscreen...starting NOW, while they are young.

As "herickson" said, "Karin's fight will never be in vain"

"You may not have to worry about skin cancer today, but remember, what you do today will affect you in a few short years". "Being tan isn't worth what could happen in the future"

We have to be diligent with our youngin's so that they will be with theirs.

CU-california said...

BTW, the quote in my last post is the script I use with my kids.

Herickson said...

Amen! I just read what CU-Cal wrote and then read again what I had said. What I forgot to say is that it is up to all of us to make sure Karin's fight will stay with us and to share her life with people she didn't even know. I have never seen my daughter (she was in 4th grade with Salina so they are the same age) willingly put sunscreen on...until now - Karin taught her that the tans are certainly not worth all the heartache that she feels now. Blessed Be! HEIDI

Jessica Davidson said...

My doctor has told me repeatedly that there is no such thing as a healthy tan, tell that to a teenage girl. I know of several tanning creams that look very natural, and theres always the mystic tan(planet tan) and airbrushing, all the sugestions listed are comparable to tanning bed and cheeper than cancer treatments. I know that being tan is supposed to be attractive however cancer treatments dont exactly make you look like you spent a week at the spa so consider other tanning options if you cant stand the porcalin look(which can also be very attractive)