Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Karin had a GREAT day yesterday. She felt good and was able to go to Baja Fresh with her Mom. Karin, her Mom and Tom went and spent the night at her Mom's in CV and then this morning headed to SF to visit the alternative medicine doctor. She said she slept great last night, even though she was not in her own space. Thank you God that Karin has had a couple of good days. Keep it up! Karin does seem to be coming down with a cold. We were thinking it was allergies but her and I just talked about it again and she now thinks it is a cold. Can you believe this is her first illness since February? That is very good for someone with a compromised immune system. I am expecting her to be wiped out the rest of today and possibly tomorrow due to the activity level of the last couple of days.


Jeff Carter said...

I thank the Lord everyday for the courage, strength and trust he gives you. You are amazing and are looking great!

He will hold you in the palm of His hands.

All the love in my heart

Unknown said...

So glad to read you are getting out! Praise God for your strength (ok, His strength)! Praying Daily for healing and comfort!
