Thursday, June 21, 2007

Karin had a great day yesterday. She sounded good when I spoke with her in the morning. They were headed out the door so that the house cleaner could clean. They ended up at Old Navy, and Jeff said that was my fault. :) I was just keeping my friend informed about sales, and such. :)
Right now Karin is at the alternative doctor in SF. They spent the night in CV so they could get there early thing morning. After she is done getting her "cocktail" they will head home for a nap.
We are still working with 4 other facilities and trying to get some possible treatment for Karin. Please pray that doors that are supposed to open, and those that are to close, close.

1 comment:

The Roses said...

Hi Karin,
Oh what a day today was as I am sure you heard. Your children are wonderful and I just adore them. Noah is so sweet. He knows I am the person who brings Beth to you, and I think that is so cute! I hope you will have a good weekend after your doctors appointment today. I know so many people who have done so well with some of the alternative methods. You are in our thoughts and prayers each day. You and your family are truly loved. Let us know when you have more info about Dr. O'day or the stanford doctor. We will pray about that as well. It was great to see Jeff and the kids this week. Love Gin