Sunday, July 15, 2007

A couple of new developments. . .
Presently, Karin is at Kaiser Walnut Creek. This morning when she woke she had a fever and was unable to talk. She wanted to talk but her brain was not allowing her. Dr. Sattar hold told them if anything suddenly changed they should call 911 ASAP. That is exactly what they did. The ambulance came and picked her up at 7AM this morning. Jeff & Enola rode in the car behind the ambulance. Salina is in San Diego and Noah was home at the time and Chuck came to stay with him until Karin's sister came to pick him up.
At this point, they have confirmed she has pneumonia and had just left the room for a scan. They are giving her oxygen. They have also done blood work.
Also, another thing. At this point, Kaiser is unwilling to pay for Karin to have the Gamma Knife procedure at WA Hosp. I am not sure what the cost of having this procedure, and frankly, it does not matter. Jeff & Karin still want this procedure at WA Hosp. If you have considered giving to the Karin L. Carter Hope Fund, there is no time like the present. If you want to know more how to do that you can email me at or call Jamie at 925-642-5444.

Please pray, pray, pray!!!!!!!!!! Pray for clear scans, pray for clean lungs, pray for a supernatural touch of the Heavenly Father.

PLEASE NO visitors!!!!

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