Thursday, May 31, 2007
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Spoke with Karin earlier this morning and she was sounding a little more chipper today. She slept okay and was eating breakfast when I talked to her. She is hoping to make it out of the house today, so we'll see. She asked that we pray for her not to be so tired and nauseous. Consider it done!
Jeff got an appointment for the MRI on June 8. Major God thing there. When Jeff first called the first available appointment was July 21!! Can you believe that? When Jeff explained the situation they came back with July 8! Finally he was able to get June 8 in Martinez, which is better anyway because it is not as far. We'll take it!
Jeff got an appointment for the MRI on June 8. Major God thing there. When Jeff first called the first available appointment was July 21!! Can you believe that? When Jeff explained the situation they came back with July 8! Finally he was able to get June 8 in Martinez, which is better anyway because it is not as far. We'll take it!
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Just spoke with Karin and they were just finishing up dinner. Jeff said they may try to get her out in a bit. I told her that if she got out of the house I would buy her a prize from her fav. store. ;) She got in a good nap this afternoon. Jeff was going to take Noah to his soccer game.
"Since you can't imagine a place where HE isn't, you might as well imagine Him with you." Love that.
"Since you can't imagine a place where HE isn't, you might as well imagine Him with you." Love that.
Spoke with Karin a little bit ago. She is extremely exhausted from the anti-nausea medication and has been sleeping a lot. Tom & Terri are there at the house to help out, which is wonderful. Karin was hoping to make it out to the swing in the backyard but that is about all she has energy for. If my calculations are correct today should be the last day of the chemo and then off for 3 weeks. The trip to John Wayne is of for now until the new scans are done - probably in about 10 days. Jeff has to make the appointment for those today.
"But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength ; they shall mount up with wings as eagles they shall run and not be weary, and they shall walk, and not faint"
Isaiah 40: 31
"To wait on the LORD is to trust Him fully with our lives. it involves looking to Him as our source of help and grace in time of need. Those who wait upon the Lord are promised 1) the strength of God to revive them in the midst of exhaustion and weakness, of suffering and trial; 2) the ability to rise above their difficulties as an eagle that soars into the sky; and 3) the ability to run spiritually without tiring and to walk steadily forward without fainting at God's delays. God promises that if His people will patiently trust Him, He will provide whatever is ended to sustain them constantly (1 Peter 1:5) "
"But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength ; they shall mount up with wings as eagles they shall run and not be weary, and they shall walk, and not faint"
Isaiah 40: 31
"To wait on the LORD is to trust Him fully with our lives. it involves looking to Him as our source of help and grace in time of need. Those who wait upon the Lord are promised 1) the strength of God to revive them in the midst of exhaustion and weakness, of suffering and trial; 2) the ability to rise above their difficulties as an eagle that soars into the sky; and 3) the ability to run spiritually without tiring and to walk steadily forward without fainting at God's delays. God promises that if His people will patiently trust Him, He will provide whatever is ended to sustain them constantly (1 Peter 1:5) "
Monday, May 28, 2007
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Terry (Karin's Mom) just sent me this prayer. It is wonderful! Pray it on behalf of Karin.
Dear Father, I worship You as the One who made me, who intricately fashioned me as a unique person, weaving me with great skill in my mother's womb. By Your gracious, unlimited power You hold together all things--including each cell of my body. Today, by Your Spirit within me, I'm counting on You to bring to my whole being new strength and vitality--physical and emotional strength to do Your will. And Lord, give me peace--shalom--wholeness and harmony and well-being.Bring emotional strength and joy day by day. In times of need give me grace to pour out my heart to You and rest in You. I pray these these things for Karin, myself and others in need. Where there is weakness, may there be strength--Your strength. Where there is sickness, may there be healing. You are the One who heals us. "Man treats GOD heals." May Your healing touch be on our bodies until the time comes when You choose to bring us to total healing by calling us Home.
Day by day, may I rest my faith in Your tender love and Your infinite wisdom--Your deep unsearchable wisdom. With quiet faith I trust You for health and healing, confident and expectant. But keep me from demanding, from clenching my fingers around what I think is best for myself and other. May I honor You by affirming,"Our God whom we serve is able to deliver us. But even if He does not, we will trust Him." Most of all I pray for spiritual health. Keep me trusting You, yielding to You,and honoring You in all I am and all I do and think and say. Amen..
The God of Israel gives his people strength and power. Psalm 68:35
Dear Father, I worship You as the One who made me, who intricately fashioned me as a unique person, weaving me with great skill in my mother's womb. By Your gracious, unlimited power You hold together all things--including each cell of my body. Today, by Your Spirit within me, I'm counting on You to bring to my whole being new strength and vitality--physical and emotional strength to do Your will. And Lord, give me peace--shalom--wholeness and harmony and well-being.Bring emotional strength and joy day by day. In times of need give me grace to pour out my heart to You and rest in You. I pray these these things for Karin, myself and others in need. Where there is weakness, may there be strength--Your strength. Where there is sickness, may there be healing. You are the One who heals us. "Man treats GOD heals." May Your healing touch be on our bodies until the time comes when You choose to bring us to total healing by calling us Home.
Day by day, may I rest my faith in Your tender love and Your infinite wisdom--Your deep unsearchable wisdom. With quiet faith I trust You for health and healing, confident and expectant. But keep me from demanding, from clenching my fingers around what I think is best for myself and other. May I honor You by affirming,"Our God whom we serve is able to deliver us. But even if He does not, we will trust Him." Most of all I pray for spiritual health. Keep me trusting You, yielding to You,and honoring You in all I am and all I do and think and say. Amen..
The God of Israel gives his people strength and power. Psalm 68:35
Talked with Jeff this morning and he said Karin was taking a nap. She took the first dose of chemo and got sick a couple of times but then after that she slept good. Johanna ended up arriving early this morning due to airline delays. Her and Karin spent some time together this morning.
Keep praying that Karin's body will adjust to the chemo & that it will not make her sick. We just need it to wipe out all those bad cells.
Apply sunscreen, all day, every day!! Buy some with Zinc. Trader Joes has a great bottle of it. It is in a white bottle and says Trader Joes Sunscreen on it. Especially put it on those babies!!
The Word of God will save your life. "My Son, give attention to my words; Incline your ear to my sayings. Do not let them depart from your eyes; Keep them in the midst of your heart. For they are life to those who find them, And health to all their flesh." Proverbs 4:20-22
Keep praying that Karin's body will adjust to the chemo & that it will not make her sick. We just need it to wipe out all those bad cells.
Apply sunscreen, all day, every day!! Buy some with Zinc. Trader Joes has a great bottle of it. It is in a white bottle and says Trader Joes Sunscreen on it. Especially put it on those babies!!
The Word of God will save your life. "My Son, give attention to my words; Incline your ear to my sayings. Do not let them depart from your eyes; Keep them in the midst of your heart. For they are life to those who find them, And health to all their flesh." Proverbs 4:20-22
Friday, May 25, 2007
Okay, off on the sidebar where the Run reg. form was I have posted a web address of a site that contains the pictures I took from Sunday. If you want to add your pictures email me and I will give you the username. Email me at
Karin just called me. Seems like she has been ignoring me all day (either that or they dropped the phone in the toilet). She said either her or Jeff has been sleeping all day. Hopefully, they got caught up. She also told me that she was giving me the weekend off. I told her that the blog readers depend on me and they need the updates so I don't get weekends off. Back me up on this one guys!!
Yesterday with Dr. Stattar ended up being a long appointment. Jeff & Karin like him. He made some changes to Karin's treatment. He has tripled her chemo drug, starting tonight. Karin will take it 5 days and then off 3, and repeat. The doctor said she will be very sick while taking this drug, but we can pray that she is not. In ten days, she will have new scans done. Depending on what is on the scans she will either go for CyberKnife @ Stanford or Gamma Knife (or a clinical trial) @ John Wayne. Just depends on the scans. All, ALL, of which will be covered by Kaiser. Thank you, Lord! That is another miracle. Of course, that all being said, there is still ample time for our Venti Miracle!! God is always on time.
Johanna is coming tonight and will be around for the weekend. :) That will be good for bringing up spirits. Kids will be gone for the weekend.
This is from Jeff: "Don't put a period, where God has put a comma." Like I said, God is always on time.
Johanna is coming tonight and will be around for the weekend. :) That will be good for bringing up spirits. Kids will be gone for the weekend.
This is from Jeff: "Don't put a period, where God has put a comma." Like I said, God is always on time.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
I have talked to Karin several times today but have just now had the chance to sit down and update.
I must correct myself that Karin's new oncologist appointment is at 4pm and not 2pm. I wrote that post at 2AM so I may have been out of it.
This morning God laid this scripture on my heart:
Luke 40-48
40Now when Jesus returned, a crowd welcomed him, for they were all expecting him. 41Then a man named Jairus, a ruler of the synagogue, came and fell at Jesus' feet, pleading with him to come to his house 42because his only daughter, a girl of about twelve, was dying.
As Jesus was on his way, the crowds almost crushed him. 43And a woman was there who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years, but no one could heal her. 44She came up behind him and touched the edge of his cloak, and immediately her bleeding stopped.
45"Who touched me?" Jesus asked. When they all denied it, Peter said, "Master, the people are crowding and pressing against you."
46But Jesus said, "Someone touched me; I know that power has gone out from me."
47Then the woman, seeing that she could not go unnoticed, came trembling and fell at his feet. In the presence of all the people, she told why she had touched him and how she had been instantly healed. 48Then he said to her, "Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace."
I shared this scripture with Karin this morning and she was touched by it. :) The scripture is mainly about faith. All we need is a little to accomplish great things in His name.
Jeff spoke with the tumor board yesterday. Three doctors (Tumor board, Stanford & O'Day) all agree that Karin's scans were done prematurely. In fact, her scans were done at 4 weeks and those doctors all agree that they should have been done around the 6-8 week mark. That means that perhaps not enough time has been given to see change. I see this as a good thing. So, they are hoping to get more scans rescheduled today when they see the new oncologist. Jeff said the appointment today is more of a "meet and greet" than anything else. Did I mention what a MIRACLE it was that they even got this appointment.? Anyone that know anything about Kaiser can agree with me.
Jeff is in the process of sending Karin's scans from last week to Dr. O'Day. He will either tell them to come to the scheduled appointment on May 30 or wait for the next set of scans. More info to follow on that as it becomes available.
I must correct myself that Karin's new oncologist appointment is at 4pm and not 2pm. I wrote that post at 2AM so I may have been out of it.
This morning God laid this scripture on my heart:
Luke 40-48
40Now when Jesus returned, a crowd welcomed him, for they were all expecting him. 41Then a man named Jairus, a ruler of the synagogue, came and fell at Jesus' feet, pleading with him to come to his house 42because his only daughter, a girl of about twelve, was dying.
As Jesus was on his way, the crowds almost crushed him. 43And a woman was there who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years, but no one could heal her. 44She came up behind him and touched the edge of his cloak, and immediately her bleeding stopped.
45"Who touched me?" Jesus asked. When they all denied it, Peter said, "Master, the people are crowding and pressing against you."
46But Jesus said, "Someone touched me; I know that power has gone out from me."
47Then the woman, seeing that she could not go unnoticed, came trembling and fell at his feet. In the presence of all the people, she told why she had touched him and how she had been instantly healed. 48Then he said to her, "Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace."
I shared this scripture with Karin this morning and she was touched by it. :) The scripture is mainly about faith. All we need is a little to accomplish great things in His name.
Jeff spoke with the tumor board yesterday. Three doctors (Tumor board, Stanford & O'Day) all agree that Karin's scans were done prematurely. In fact, her scans were done at 4 weeks and those doctors all agree that they should have been done around the 6-8 week mark. That means that perhaps not enough time has been given to see change. I see this as a good thing. So, they are hoping to get more scans rescheduled today when they see the new oncologist. Jeff said the appointment today is more of a "meet and greet" than anything else. Did I mention what a MIRACLE it was that they even got this appointment.? Anyone that know anything about Kaiser can agree with me.
Jeff is in the process of sending Karin's scans from last week to Dr. O'Day. He will either tell them to come to the scheduled appointment on May 30 or wait for the next set of scans. More info to follow on that as it becomes available.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
I don't want to get into all the details but yesterday we fired the oncologist at Kaiser. :) This is good. In case we needed confirmation of that, God worked it out for Karin to get an appt. with the new oncologist today! Enola spent an hour on the phone with Kaiser, but the squeaky wheel gets the oil! We are going with a doctor that is a good friend's doctor at the same Kaiser facility. Now, mind you, this doctor had no openings until JULY but since we have a God hook up we got one for today at 2pm!!! So excited. So, the Gloom -n- Doom is gone and let's bring in the ray of sunshine. Please pray as Jeff and Karin go there this morning. Pray for GOOD news. God is good!
That being said, we are working on several different angles concerning Karin's treatment. One of which is at Stanford, one with Dr. O'Day and one with Doctor's Hospital in Miami. We have just been opening doors and seeing where God leads. Please pray for wisdom for Jeff & Karin.
The numbness that was in Karin's leg has traveled to her arm. We need that steroid to kick in so this will go away. Pray for that. She is upbeat, but tired. She took 2 good naps yesterday. When I talked to her last at 7:30 she was on the swing outside in the yard with, what sounded like, the whole family! I know they all could not have fit on the swing though!
Johanna is coming this weekend for the long weekend. That will be good all the way around.
That being said, we are working on several different angles concerning Karin's treatment. One of which is at Stanford, one with Dr. O'Day and one with Doctor's Hospital in Miami. We have just been opening doors and seeing where God leads. Please pray for wisdom for Jeff & Karin.
The numbness that was in Karin's leg has traveled to her arm. We need that steroid to kick in so this will go away. Pray for that. She is upbeat, but tired. She took 2 good naps yesterday. When I talked to her last at 7:30 she was on the swing outside in the yard with, what sounded like, the whole family! I know they all could not have fit on the swing though!
Johanna is coming this weekend for the long weekend. That will be good all the way around.
I keep getting emails wondering where I am! Everything is good at the Carters. Monday was a busy day and yesterday I spent all day flying home.
We are looking into some other alternatives for Karin, things that not necessary in the Bay Area and may not be covered by Kaiser. We are hoping to get scans in to a couple of different places to widen our options. Pray that God would give us wisdom.
Karin's leg continues to drag and she said her right arm is also doing the same. The steroid she is on was doubled on Sunday so hopefully, once that kicks in that will improve. In the meantime Jeff is LOVING, carrying her around, putting on and taking off her shoes, etc.
I will post more later this afternoon.
We are looking into some other alternatives for Karin, things that not necessary in the Bay Area and may not be covered by Kaiser. We are hoping to get scans in to a couple of different places to widen our options. Pray that God would give us wisdom.
Karin's leg continues to drag and she said her right arm is also doing the same. The steroid she is on was doubled on Sunday so hopefully, once that kicks in that will improve. In the meantime Jeff is LOVING, carrying her around, putting on and taking off her shoes, etc.
I will post more later this afternoon.
Sunday, May 20, 2007
We here at the Carter's can't stop talking about the Run. Never have we seen anything like it. And, to think it was pulled off in 3 weeks. Awesome job girls! From our calculations we have determined there were over 550 people there. The line to register was so long at one point that we stopped requiring people to fill out the registration form. Karin intended to stay 20 minutes and ended up staying the entire time. I think it was a "shot in the arm" for her. She is amazing.
Regarding those t-shirts! Aren't they cute?????? If you were at the run today and arrived at such a time that you did not receive a t-shirt because we ran out, we want you to have one. We need to limit this just to people who were at the Run, please. If you signed up on a list at the registration desk requesting a t-shirt we will be having a shirt made for you within the coming week. However, if you did not sign up at the registration desk and did not receive a t-shirt, please email me so we can add you to our list. My email is Shirts will only be available in a size large. If you need to be put on the list for a shirt you must email me by Wednesday Noon with your name and phone number. After Wednesday, these t-shirts will no longer be available. Just think. . .it's a collector's item! Once printed, these t-shirts will need to be picked up in Brentwood at Keller Williams. More info to follow later on that.
Again, I can't say thank you enough. Thank you does, and will never cover it. To see Karin smiling from ear to ear and knowing that she is loved and adored by so many people is something I will never forget. And, to think Karin, your Heavenly Father loves you even more than that!
Regarding those t-shirts! Aren't they cute?????? If you were at the run today and arrived at such a time that you did not receive a t-shirt because we ran out, we want you to have one. We need to limit this just to people who were at the Run, please. If you signed up on a list at the registration desk requesting a t-shirt we will be having a shirt made for you within the coming week. However, if you did not sign up at the registration desk and did not receive a t-shirt, please email me so we can add you to our list. My email is Shirts will only be available in a size large. If you need to be put on the list for a shirt you must email me by Wednesday Noon with your name and phone number. After Wednesday, these t-shirts will no longer be available. Just think. . .it's a collector's item! Once printed, these t-shirts will need to be picked up in Brentwood at Keller Williams. More info to follow later on that.
Again, I can't say thank you enough. Thank you does, and will never cover it. To see Karin smiling from ear to ear and knowing that she is loved and adored by so many people is something I will never forget. And, to think Karin, your Heavenly Father loves you even more than that!
Today is the big day!!! We are all very excited and are packing tissues! Karin & the rest of us just returned from church and now she is resting so she will have some energy this afternoon. The t-shirts are better in person. Seriously, they have got to be the cutest t-shirt I have ever seen.
Thank you so much to the Run committee. So much thought and work has gone into this day and it was all done in such a short period of time. I could write a whole post just about this group but they would all be mad at me. They are all probably already rolling their eyes at me . Words can't express our gratitude. We are the body of Christ!
Thank you so much to the Run committee. So much thought and work has gone into this day and it was all done in such a short period of time. I could write a whole post just about this group but they would all be mad at me. They are all probably already rolling their eyes at me . Words can't express our gratitude. We are the body of Christ!
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Just a quick note to let you know I will be flying most of the day today to go to California and this will probably be the only update for today.
When I spoke with Jeff late last night he said that Karin has been a little down but made it out to get some ice cream with her Mom. He said that she complained that her leg felt "heavy" and therefore has been dragging it most of the day yesterday.
We still need that Venti Miracle! Please keep praying! Looking forward to seeing the mass of support on Sunday!!
When I spoke with Jeff late last night he said that Karin has been a little down but made it out to get some ice cream with her Mom. He said that she complained that her leg felt "heavy" and therefore has been dragging it most of the day yesterday.
We still need that Venti Miracle! Please keep praying! Looking forward to seeing the mass of support on Sunday!!
Friday, May 18, 2007
Thank God for a new day! His mercies are new every morning. Please keep Jeff & Karin in your prayers, the last 24 hours have been rough. I chatted with Karin this morning and she was assisting in getting Noah out the door on a field trip with the school. Jeff is going also. Karin's dad was heading over and then Tom & Terri are coming later in the day.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
We have had a little bump in the road today. Karin and Jeff just returned from seeing the oncologist. The leisions in her brain are still there, and some have grown. The areas in the rest of her body that had cancereous cells have "subsided". Karin's oncologist is going to call Dr. O'Day and they will discuss her treatment options.
Karin is sleeping now. Please pray that God will give her and Jeff peace. God is faithful & good.
Enola just reminded me of this scripture:
Though I walk in the midst of trouble, You will revive me;
You will stretch out Your hand
Against the wrath of my enemies,
And Your right hand will save me.
The LORD will perfect that which concerns me;
Your mercy, O LORD, endures forever;
Do not forsake the works of Your hands.
Psalm 138:7 - 8.
It was difficult for Jeff to talk today. If you would like to encourage them, cards are great & you know how much Karin loves her trip to mailbox! Email me at if you would like their address.
Karin is sleeping now. Please pray that God will give her and Jeff peace. God is faithful & good.
Enola just reminded me of this scripture:
Though I walk in the midst of trouble, You will revive me;
You will stretch out Your hand
Against the wrath of my enemies,
And Your right hand will save me.
The LORD will perfect that which concerns me;
Your mercy, O LORD, endures forever;
Do not forsake the works of Your hands.
Psalm 138:7 - 8.
It was difficult for Jeff to talk today. If you would like to encourage them, cards are great & you know how much Karin loves her trip to mailbox! Email me at if you would like their address.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Jeff & Karin are off to spend the night at Karin's Mom's house. They have to be at Kaiser at 7:30AM so this will be better in dealing with traffic. Karin will have the CAT scan first at 8AM and then will see her Dr. at 11:20AM. Noah is at Jeff's parents and Salina is spending the night at a friends house.
Karin has been feeling lousy all day. Just sick to her stomach. Hopefully, the doctor can give her something for that tomorrow. I made her promise to ask him and then asked Jeff to remind her. ;)
We are getting so excited about the Run on Sunday. The registrations are pouring in!!!! The response has been so incredible. I can't even begin to explain how jazzed we are! As mentioned before if we get your registration by Friday we will count that towards the early registration fees, but we still can't guarantee you a t-shirt. We are working hard on that one, please bear with us. Thank you so much for your support. I KNOW Jeff & Karin feel it. They are very blessed to have such awesome friends and family.
Please continue to pray big for tomorrow. Pray that the scans would be clear of any cancer, especially the brain. Pray for wisdom for the doctor. As soon as I hear from her I will post but I am thinking that will not be until after noon.
Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us. Eph 3:20
Karin has been feeling lousy all day. Just sick to her stomach. Hopefully, the doctor can give her something for that tomorrow. I made her promise to ask him and then asked Jeff to remind her. ;)
We are getting so excited about the Run on Sunday. The registrations are pouring in!!!! The response has been so incredible. I can't even begin to explain how jazzed we are! As mentioned before if we get your registration by Friday we will count that towards the early registration fees, but we still can't guarantee you a t-shirt. We are working hard on that one, please bear with us. Thank you so much for your support. I KNOW Jeff & Karin feel it. They are very blessed to have such awesome friends and family.
Please continue to pray big for tomorrow. Pray that the scans would be clear of any cancer, especially the brain. Pray for wisdom for the doctor. As soon as I hear from her I will post but I am thinking that will not be until after noon.
Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us. Eph 3:20
Just a quick reminder about the Run. If you want to register for the Karin L. Carter Hope Run you may pull the form off the sidebar to the left and send it in with your check. If you want to Paypal you may use the address and I will get you registered that way. We would love to see you there!! Someone asked about having a stoller in the walk. Yes, bring the babies in strollers!
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Just spoke with Karin after having had her MRI. She said they were unable to find a vein in her arm so they had to resort to her hand with no pain medication. OUCH. She said it hurt. She and Jeff were heading home for a nap. One down, 2 to go! They changed one of the tests tomorrow to Thursday at 8AM. I think they should take into consideration where you live when they give you these appointments. This morning they left at 6:30 to be there by 8!!! It is a good thing that Karin is an early bird.
Monday, May 14, 2007
Just got off the phone with Monica, who is doing an awesome job of heading up our Hope Run and she says her phone is ringing off the hook! Love to see the support for the Carters! One question that has been raised is about today's deadline for early registration. Monica says that if she receives your check by Friday she will include that in the registration discount. We are researching having more t-shirts available and will know more about that as the week progresses. Thank you so much for all the love and support your have shown for Jeff & Karin and their family.
As mentioned before, you want to register for the Karin L. Carter Hope Run you may pull the form off the sidebar to the left and send it in with your check. If you want to Paypal you may use the address and i will get you registered that way.
Please continue to pray for Karin, especially over the next couple of days. Pray that Karin and Jeff feel God's presence. Pray for completely CLEAN scans that show NO sign of cancer.
"He is able to do immeasurably more than we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us." Ephesians 3:20
As mentioned before, you want to register for the Karin L. Carter Hope Run you may pull the form off the sidebar to the left and send it in with your check. If you want to Paypal you may use the address and i will get you registered that way.
Please continue to pray for Karin, especially over the next couple of days. Pray that Karin and Jeff feel God's presence. Pray for completely CLEAN scans that show NO sign of cancer.
"He is able to do immeasurably more than we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us." Ephesians 3:20
Karin is doing good today. After she and Jeff got the kids off to school Karin came home and took a quick nap. When I talked to them last they were off having lunch with the kids and then she wanted to go home and take another cat nap.
Remember tomorrow starts of a couple days of activity. Scans tomorrow morning and Wednesday morning and then the scans will be read on Thursday. Pray hard!!!
The registration numbers are adding up!!!! I am not going to tell you how many we have ( I have been sworn to silence :) ). You will have to come out to see. If you have already sent your check in and it was made out before the deadline, we will honor that!!! Keep on registering!! EVERY penny goes right to the Karin L. Carter Hope Fund.
Remember tomorrow starts of a couple days of activity. Scans tomorrow morning and Wednesday morning and then the scans will be read on Thursday. Pray hard!!!
The registration numbers are adding up!!!! I am not going to tell you how many we have ( I have been sworn to silence :) ). You will have to come out to see. If you have already sent your check in and it was made out before the deadline, we will honor that!!! Keep on registering!! EVERY penny goes right to the Karin L. Carter Hope Fund.
Friday, May 11, 2007
Just talked to Karin and she and Jeff are out putting tires on the car (fun) and then they are walking home from Big O. Okay, that is 2 miles. I said, "Are you sure???" She had to promise Jeff that if she got tired she would would tell him. Guess she is in training for the 5K Run/Walk. Speaking of which. DO NOT PROCRASTINATE about sending in your registration!!! You want one of those CUTE t-shirts with the darling coffee cup on it, don't you?? You can pull the form off the sidebar of the blog, it is all the way at the top and it says registration. Simply print off as many copies as you need and then mail them to the address at the bottom of the form!! Don't delay! We want 500 people there! Plus, we have some great prizes to auction off and every family is getting a special prize from Karin. Not going to tell you what it is!
One last thing, guys. Us girls wanted a pink t-shirt for the run but in thinking of the guys we went with white. I need to see lots of guys registering to make up for the fact that the shirt is not pink!
One last thing, guys. Us girls wanted a pink t-shirt for the run but in thinking of the guys we went with white. I need to see lots of guys registering to make up for the fact that the shirt is not pink!
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Just got off the phone with Karin. She is doing good. She was sitting in the swing watching her gardeners, Tom & Terri. :) She cried when I read her the poem that I just posted. She is looking forward to the run. We talked about Idol and who got voted off because she could not stay up that late. She'll have to stay up late to watch Survivor tonight. :) Her Fav. show.
I will post more when I talk to her later in the day. Keep praying HARD for clean scans.
I will post more when I talk to her later in the day. Keep praying HARD for clean scans.
Karin's friend Natalie just sent this to me. I love it!
What Cancer Cannot Do
Cancer is so limited...
It cannot cripple Love
It cannot shatter Hope
It cannot corrode Faith
It cannot destoy Peace
It cannot kill Friendship
It cannot suppress Memories
It cannot silence Courage
It cannot invade the Soul
It cannot steal Eternal Life
It cannot conquer the Spirit.
What Cancer Cannot Do
Cancer is so limited...
It cannot cripple Love
It cannot shatter Hope
It cannot corrode Faith
It cannot destoy Peace
It cannot kill Friendship
It cannot suppress Memories
It cannot silence Courage
It cannot invade the Soul
It cannot steal Eternal Life
It cannot conquer the Spirit.
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
I spoke with Karin about 7:30 this morning and she had been up since 3:30! I think she had a little trouble shutting off the brain. I am sure she has crashed by now. She is planning on calling Dr. O'Day today to bump up her May 30th appointment.
Exciting News! The Brentwood Press is doing an article on Karin and the 5K Run/Walk. The article will be in all the Delta papers (Oakley, Disco Bay, Brentwood and Antioch) on Friday morning. Make sure you get a copy!!
Speaking of the Karin L. Carter 5K Run/Walk - have you signed up yet???? Us girls are hoping to get 500 people in that walk!! Please pre-register so that you are guaranteed the CUTEST
T-shirt ever!! You can register by going to the left side of this blog and clicking on the file that says registration. If you need to Paypal, you can use the email address, and we get you registered that way. Please show your support! Bring your friends! Bring you kids!! Bring 'em all!!
Exciting News! The Brentwood Press is doing an article on Karin and the 5K Run/Walk. The article will be in all the Delta papers (Oakley, Disco Bay, Brentwood and Antioch) on Friday morning. Make sure you get a copy!!
Speaking of the Karin L. Carter 5K Run/Walk - have you signed up yet???? Us girls are hoping to get 500 people in that walk!! Please pre-register so that you are guaranteed the CUTEST
T-shirt ever!! You can register by going to the left side of this blog and clicking on the file that says registration. If you need to Paypal, you can use the email address, and we get you registered that way. Please show your support! Bring your friends! Bring you kids!! Bring 'em all!!
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Karin slept good last night and was out of bed by 6:15, making lunches and breakfast. It is good that she is able to wake up at her normal time and still feel rested. They were going to take Salina to the DDS to have some teeth pulled. Poor baby. That is the only thing on the schedule today. Tom and Terri are coming to help out today. Not sure how long they are staying.
Please say a prayer that Karin would not be sick to her stomach. She has been, of late, and when she takes the meds that is for the nausea it just wipes her out. When she spoke to the Dr. about it he offered her another drug but the side effects were worse so she passed and is sticking with the drug she already has.
No appointments for the rest of this week. :)
Please say a prayer that Karin would not be sick to her stomach. She has been, of late, and when she takes the meds that is for the nausea it just wipes her out. When she spoke to the Dr. about it he offered her another drug but the side effects were worse so she passed and is sticking with the drug she already has.
No appointments for the rest of this week. :)
Monday, May 7, 2007
Karin had a really busy day yesterday. They ended up going to the 9:30 service at church and then went to Salina's soccer game and then to Cold Stone (Karin = Food). Such an active yesterday made for a quieter day today. She got up and made the kids lunches and breakfast and then headed back to bed where she stayed until she called me at 1. She was going to get ready and go to an appointment at the Oral Surgeon and then to pick up the kiddos. She is feeling good though.
Just a little heads up for upcoming appointments. Karin will go for scans on the 15th and the 16th. I think she is having all them read on the 18th (but she said could be the 17th). Please keep knocking on Heaven's door that those scans would be completely clean and that a complete miracle IS happening in Karin's body. God is faithful and He hears us. Jeff and Karin have an appt. to go to John Wayne on the 30th of May.
HAVE YOU REGISTERED FOR THE KARIN L. CARTER 5K RUN/WALK & AUCTION????? Even if you can't come you can still register and you will get the most wonderful t-shirt ever made!! The registration form is on the sidebar to the left, up at the top. You can print that form off and mail it in with your check.
Just a little heads up for upcoming appointments. Karin will go for scans on the 15th and the 16th. I think she is having all them read on the 18th (but she said could be the 17th). Please keep knocking on Heaven's door that those scans would be completely clean and that a complete miracle IS happening in Karin's body. God is faithful and He hears us. Jeff and Karin have an appt. to go to John Wayne on the 30th of May.
HAVE YOU REGISTERED FOR THE KARIN L. CARTER 5K RUN/WALK & AUCTION????? Even if you can't come you can still register and you will get the most wonderful t-shirt ever made!! The registration form is on the sidebar to the left, up at the top. You can print that form off and mail it in with your check.
Saturday, May 5, 2007
Friday, May 4, 2007
I DID IT!! Holy Cow. Okay, so listed below is the link to registration form for the Karin L. Carter Hope 5K Run/Walk.
Spoke with Karin this morning and she slept great and was getting the kids ready to take them to the Gateway Lion Roam-a-thon. That is an all day thing so she probably will cut out early and head home for a nap. Jeff was heading out to work. She sounded great and is feeling good. God is good and I am believing that HE has already healed her!
Just a few reminders. Don't forget about the Karin L. Carter Hope 5K Run/Walk in Brentwood on May 20. I am still working on getting the form attached here but in the meantime, email me at and I will email it to you. Sorry, you got to work with me on this!! :) We are going to be having an silent auction at the Run also and the prizes are looking cool. Really, it is not about the money but it is about The Carters feeling loved and supported, so come on out and show your support!!
And then there are those cute bumper stickers! If you would like a bumper sticker you can see Jamie Olson, Julie Garcia or Ginger Rose. If you are not in the Brentwood area, give me a quick email and I will hook you up with one. Again, my email is .
Just keep praying and thanking God for the wonderful miracles He is performing.
Just a few reminders. Don't forget about the Karin L. Carter Hope 5K Run/Walk in Brentwood on May 20. I am still working on getting the form attached here but in the meantime, email me at and I will email it to you. Sorry, you got to work with me on this!! :) We are going to be having an silent auction at the Run also and the prizes are looking cool. Really, it is not about the money but it is about The Carters feeling loved and supported, so come on out and show your support!!
And then there are those cute bumper stickers! If you would like a bumper sticker you can see Jamie Olson, Julie Garcia or Ginger Rose. If you are not in the Brentwood area, give me a quick email and I will hook you up with one. Again, my email is .
Just keep praying and thanking God for the wonderful miracles He is performing.
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Okay. The Blogger needs help. I am trying to attach the file which contains the registration for the Karin L. Carter Hope Run on the left side of this blog. Does anyone know how to do this? Email me at if you can help me. Thanks!
Karin had a busy day today. That, added to being really active yesterday, has worn her out. She was able to hang out with her Dad this morning and then her Aunt Teresa came to take her to lunch. They were just heading out to pick up Noah at school and then off to Salina's soccer game.
God is doing BIG things in Karin's body! Thank you Lord!
"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us" Eph 3:20
God is doing BIG things in Karin's body! Thank you Lord!
"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us" Eph 3:20

Have not talked with Karin yet today but I wanted to post this picture of Ashley, Jamie's daughter. Jamie and her family live up the street from Karin. Two weekends ago Ashley sold lemonade and cookies and gave all her proceeds to the Karin L. Carter Hope Fund. Is that cool, or what? Thank you Ashley!!
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Another good day today. Karin slept good and is feeling good this morning. She is running into Prudential with Jeff and then going with some friends to get a pedicure and lunch.
I have to share this picture of all the cards Karin has received in the last couple of weeks. Jeff keeps buying cork boards to hang them all. The picture is a little blurry but you can get the idea of how many their are and then you get to see sweet Noah.
Please take a few minutes to read this article about getting the best protection that you can from sunscreen. It is our best defense from skin cancer and the suns harmful rays. Slather those kids up!!!! They will thank us when they are older.
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Karin is doing very well today. She slept good, has energy to do stuff and took one good nap. She was up at 5:30 baking banana bread and making pancakes. Now, that sounds like Karin!
Karin and Jeff returned to the oral surgeon today for a follow-up appointment. Everything looks good and she is to return to her regular dentist in 8 weeks for him to do a bridge over the extracted tooth.
Kinda quiet in the way of blogging this week. Karin has no appointments this week so there is no news to report, however, God is still working! Keep praying for Him to remove all those yucky cells and replace them with good cells. We still need a Venti Miracle!!
Speaking of Venti Miracles. . . Do you have a bumper sticker??? Karin and Jeff LOVE seeing them around town. It is a great way to show your support. I don't want to point fingers but when I was in CA I saw some cars without them!! 'Nuf said. You can still get a sticker from Julie Garcia, Ginger Rose or Jamie Olson. If you don't know them, email me at and I will get you one right away.
Karin and Jeff returned to the oral surgeon today for a follow-up appointment. Everything looks good and she is to return to her regular dentist in 8 weeks for him to do a bridge over the extracted tooth.
Kinda quiet in the way of blogging this week. Karin has no appointments this week so there is no news to report, however, God is still working! Keep praying for Him to remove all those yucky cells and replace them with good cells. We still need a Venti Miracle!!
Speaking of Venti Miracles. . . Do you have a bumper sticker??? Karin and Jeff LOVE seeing them around town. It is a great way to show your support. I don't want to point fingers but when I was in CA I saw some cars without them!! 'Nuf said. You can still get a sticker from Julie Garcia, Ginger Rose or Jamie Olson. If you don't know them, email me at and I will get you one right away.
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