Saturday, May 19, 2007

Just a quick note to let you know I will be flying most of the day today to go to California and this will probably be the only update for today.
When I spoke with Jeff late last night he said that Karin has been a little down but made it out to get some ice cream with her Mom. He said that she complained that her leg felt "heavy" and therefore has been dragging it most of the day yesterday.
We still need that Venti Miracle! Please keep praying! Looking forward to seeing the mass of support on Sunday!!


Jeff Carter said...

Karin, you have touched the lives of many.

I have truly been blessed to have you as my wife.

All the love in my heart.

Beth, your bed is waiting for you.

Jennifer Haus said...

Dear God, Thank you for the amazing love and support this community has for Karin, Jeff, Salina and Noah. Bless the event Sunday and protect every participant involved. Be with Karin and let her see and feel our love for her in this. Let this event be a witness to Karin and others that you are a faithful God and will take care of our every need. Thank you for your faithfulness to Karin and the Carter family.