Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Spoke with Karin a little bit ago. She is extremely exhausted from the anti-nausea medication and has been sleeping a lot. Tom & Terri are there at the house to help out, which is wonderful. Karin was hoping to make it out to the swing in the backyard but that is about all she has energy for. If my calculations are correct today should be the last day of the chemo and then off for 3 weeks. The trip to John Wayne is of for now until the new scans are done - probably in about 10 days. Jeff has to make the appointment for those today.

"But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength ; they shall mount up with wings as eagles they shall run and not be weary, and they shall walk, and not faint"
Isaiah 40: 31
"To wait on the LORD is to trust Him fully with our lives. it involves looking to Him as our source of help and grace in time of need. Those who wait upon the Lord are promised 1) the strength of God to revive them in the midst of exhaustion and weakness, of suffering and trial; 2) the ability to rise above their difficulties as an eagle that soars into the sky; and 3) the ability to run spiritually without tiring and to walk steadily forward without fainting at God's delays. God promises that if His people will patiently trust Him, He will provide whatever is ended to sustain them constantly (1 Peter 1:5
) "

1 comment:

CU-california said...

Three weeks off, Yay! Enjoy your swing.