Tuesday, April 17, 2007

I just got off the phone with Jeff who could not contain his excitement!! Their visit went great and Dr. O'Day was "wonderful". So much to say that I don't know where to start! He said that Karin looked great. He told her to keep going to the gym, keep it all up. He said that the approach that Kaiser has taken is exactly what he would do. He lowered one of the steroid drugs she was on (it made her tingly feeling) and switched one other med but I can't remember what that one was. He said continue with the 4 more days of brain radiation, he said that is exactly what he would have prescribed. He said after the radiation wait 3 weeks for the brain swelling to go down and then have all the scans repeated. He asked that they return to him with new scans in 5-6 weeks. He said that only the cancer that is in her brain is "life threatening" and Kaiser is taking the right approach in treating that aggressively.

I am sure I will have more to update on this tomorrow after I talk with Karin in the morning. I will post more details then.

God is good. All the time! Thank you so much for praying. The doors were open!!


Unknown said...

Yeah...God IS Greater then Great! I am so glad to hear the report for the trip. Praise His name!

with love and prayers,
Nicole Olsen

Ellie Ross said...

Always look forward to your daily report, especially the good ones. We pray for you all the time and know that God is watching over you. With my best love to you.