Monday, April 2, 2007

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3: 5 & 6

The news from the doctor today is not good. The cancer is in Karin's brain, her lungs and her lymph system. It is Stage 4. Karin will start Chemotherapy tonight, before she goes to bed. Her oncologist told her she will take chemotherapy for the "rest of her life". She is starting radiation tomorrow morning and will continue for the next ten days. Karin was very positive when I spoke with her and reminded me that "God is bigger than this".

Please pray for the family. Pray that God would surround them with His love. Pray for complete healing of Karin's body.

Please limit your calls to them. It is hard for them to answer the phone. If you would like to help in some way you can contact Julie Garcia or Jamie Olsen.


Unknown said...

Karin and Jeff
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. -Basurto's

dawn said...

Karin and Jeff,
I'm at a total loss for words. Can you believe that? Me? Karin,you are faithful,brave,beautiful, strong, loving, kind,loyal,selfless,an amazing mother, wife, teacher, friend, and a lover of the Lord. He will never leave you. I will give you some time, but know I am thinking of you and praying, praying, praying, for you and your family. Jeff, you are her protector, her pillar, her love,take good care of her. Anything I can do to help, please let me know. I know Summer is always ready for another playdate. It's been a few months.
I'll be in contact soon. We will pray for each of you and your famlilies. Know we love you and you are in our hearts.
Much love,
Dawn and Tim
here is my email:

Kathy Toelkes said...

Karin and Jeff,
We're here for you and your kids if you need anything. We are praying for you-
Kathy and Philip Toelkes

Stahli Family said...

Dear I read through the comments people have written, I realize even more what a determined spirit you have and just how deep your faith goes. You are truly an inspiration as to how faithful we all should be. I believe God is saying, "well done, my good and faithful servant..." You are amazing and we just wanted you to know. Please add us to your list of servants and know that our love and prayers are with you all. The Stahli Family