Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Just got off the phone with Karin who was getting ready to walk out the door to take the kids to school. She said she did not sleep well last night but credits that to the excitement of the day and all the naps she took during the day.

PLEASE pray for Karin as she goes to see Dr. Gloom-n-Doom (the oncologist at Kaiser) on Friday. Jeff and Karin are going to ask him to transfer her care to Dr. O'Day at John Wayne. Pray Hard!! Pray for Karin to have favor with him and that all the doors will continue to be open.

Karin's hair is falling out. I told her to think of the time she would save in the morning. ;) She said she thought it was good because her head felt really "heavy" and she was hoping this would make it better.

More later.

1 comment:

Homeschooling a Dyslexic, ADHD, Celiac kid. Not So Hard! said...

Glory to God for a good report. Karin stay strong and Trust in the Lord. His hand is upon you!
